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How often should I go with my cat to the vet?

Some time ago I heard of a case when the owner of her pet took her every week to the vet doctor. Therefore, it can be pointed out that she exaggerated deeply with this care. The vet did not get her out of the error. Too frequent visits to the vet by your pet can also do harm. However, unfortunately in those days we cannot count on this help. The fact is that most of these people value cash much more than the health of dogs, cats or completely different animals. It is therefore necessary to ask a very specific and simple question.

How often should we take our pets for a "medical check-up"? There is no doubt that there are different opinions on the subject under study. For some of them are untrue. It is pointed out that in the case of a completely healthy cat, visits twice a year in terms of control will surely suffice, and if we have small cats even once a year. In addition, we do not have to take your pet for very simple treatments in any way. They include deworming or cutting off claws. These actions can be carried out by their owner.

Emphasizing too frequent visits to the vet unnecessarily stress the fur, and thus do more harm than help. Usually we examine a pet when something really bad starts to happen. However, this is a big mistake, because it is often too late for the treatment of serious diseases. This results in the fact that the veterinarian will identify the cause earlier, however, all the better. It should also be pointed out that when an animal appears healthy, this is not always the case. Unfortunately, it should be pointed out that your pet does not have the opportunity to say what is really wrong with him. We must also be aware that we should examine older dogs and cats in particular, that is to say, those that are already eight years old. In addition, it appears that the six-monthly surveys are sufficient. The result is that we should go to the vet when something worrying happens to your pet. It is also emphasized that blood morphology has become the most popular and effective.

To sum up, in those days we cannot count on this help. The fact is that most of these people value cash much more than the health of dogs, cats or completely different animals. It is therefore necessary to ask a very specific and simple question. How often should we take our pets for a "medical check-up"? There is no doubt that there are different opinions on the subject under study. For some of them are untrue.


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